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  • The Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw

    The Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw The Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw

    Ravenclaw's Lost DiademHorcrux 6/7This beautiful necklace is the perfect jewellery or gift. No matter how gangster you are, you have to admit that this collectible is beautiful.Length: 50cmMetals Type: Zinc AlloyMaterial:... Ravenclaw's Lost DiademHorcrux 6/7This beautiful necklace is the perfect jewellery or gift. No matter how gangster you are, you have to admit that this collectible is beautiful.Length: 50cmMetals Type: Zinc AlloyMaterial:...
  • Platform 9¾ - Coin Necklace Platform 9¾ - Coin Necklace

    Platform 9 3/4 - Coin Necklace   Pendant Size: 3.4CMMetals Type: Zinc AlloyMaterial: MetalColour: Ancient Bronze, SilverLength: 50CM   Platform 9 3/4 - Coin Necklace   Pendant Size: 3.4CMMetals Type: Zinc AlloyMaterial: MetalColour: Ancient Bronze, SilverLength: 50CM  
  • The Philosopher's Stone Necklace

    The Philosopher's Stone Necklace The Philosopher's Stone Necklace

    The Philosophers Stone1 of the 7 HorcruxesChain Type: Link ChainMaterial: Semi-precious StoneLength: 50cmPendant Size: 3.9cm *2.4cm The Philosophers Stone1 of the 7 HorcruxesChain Type: Link ChainMaterial: Semi-precious StoneLength: 50cmPendant Size: 3.9cm *2.4cm
  • Lord Voldemort's Wand

    Lord Voldemort's Wand Lord Voldemort's Wand

    MAGIC WANDLord Voldemort's WandTom Riddle's wand was 13 1/2" in length. The wand was made from yew, with a phoenix feather core. It was manufactured by Garrick Ollivander and was the... MAGIC WANDLord Voldemort's WandTom Riddle's wand was 13 1/2" in length. The wand was made from yew, with a phoenix feather core. It was manufactured by Garrick Ollivander and was the...
  • Fleur Delacour's Wand Fleur Delacour's Wand

    OLLIVANDER's Wand ShopFleur Delacour's WandFleur Delacour's Wand was 9½ inches and made of rosewood, with a Veela hair core which belonged to her grandmother. Manufactured by a french wandmaker. The... OLLIVANDER's Wand ShopFleur Delacour's WandFleur Delacour's Wand was 9½ inches and made of rosewood, with a Veela hair core which belonged to her grandmother. Manufactured by a french wandmaker. The...
  • Bellatrix Lestrange's Wand

    Bellatrix Lestrange's Wand Bellatrix Lestrange's Wand

    MAGIC WANDBellatrix Lestrange's WandThe wand of Bellatrix Lestrange was 12 ¾" long, made of Walnut, and had a dragonheartstring core. The wand was constructed by Garrick Ollivander, who described it as being... MAGIC WANDBellatrix Lestrange's WandThe wand of Bellatrix Lestrange was 12 ¾" long, made of Walnut, and had a dragonheartstring core. The wand was constructed by Garrick Ollivander, who described it as being...
  • Dean Thomas' Wand

    Dean Thomas' Wand Dean Thomas' Wand

    MAGIC WANDDean Thomas' WandThe wand is made with a muggle-metal core.A Wand Case is included.This wand is a fan-made replica, and not a real wand from the Noble collection. MAGIC WANDDean Thomas' WandThe wand is made with a muggle-metal core.A Wand Case is included.This wand is a fan-made replica, and not a real wand from the Noble collection.
  • Victor Krum's Wand

    Victor Krum's Wand Victor Krum's Wand

    MAGIC WANDVictor Krum's WandThe wand is made with a muggle-metal core.A Wand Case is included.This wand is a fan-made replica, and not a real wand from the Noble collection. MAGIC WANDVictor Krum's WandThe wand is made with a muggle-metal core.A Wand Case is included.This wand is a fan-made replica, and not a real wand from the Noble collection.
  • Severus Snape's Wand Severus Snape's Wand

    MAGIC WANDSeverus Snape's WandThe wand is made with a muggle-metal core.A Wand Case is included.This wand is a fan-made replica, and not a real wand from the Noble collection. MAGIC WANDSeverus Snape's WandThe wand is made with a muggle-metal core.A Wand Case is included.This wand is a fan-made replica, and not a real wand from the Noble collection.
  • Narcissa Malfoy's Wand

    Narcissa Malfoy's Wand Narcissa Malfoy's Wand

    MAGIC WANDNarcissa Malfoy's WandThis is one of our staff's favorite magic wand.The wand is made with a muggle-metal core.A Wand Case is included.This wand is a fan-made replica, and not... MAGIC WANDNarcissa Malfoy's WandThis is one of our staff's favorite magic wand.The wand is made with a muggle-metal core.A Wand Case is included.This wand is a fan-made replica, and not...
  • Sirius Black's Wand Sirius Black's Wand

    MAGIC WANDSirius Black's WandThe wand is made with a muggle-metal core.A Wand Case is included.This wand is a fan-made replica, and not a real wand from the Noble collection. MAGIC WANDSirius Black's WandThe wand is made with a muggle-metal core.A Wand Case is included.This wand is a fan-made replica, and not a real wand from the Noble collection.
  • Luna Lovegood's Wand Luna Lovegood's Wand

    MAGIC WANDLuna Lovegood's WandThe wand is made with a muggle-metal core.A Wand Case is included.This wand is a fan-made replica, and not a real wand from the Noble collection. MAGIC WANDLuna Lovegood's WandThe wand is made with a muggle-metal core.A Wand Case is included.This wand is a fan-made replica, and not a real wand from the Noble collection.
  • Minerva McGonagall's Wand

    Minerva McGonagall's Wand Minerva McGonagall's Wand

    MAGIC WANDMinerva McGonagall WandMinerva McGonagall's wand was 9 1/2" long, made of fir, and had a dragon heartstring core.The wand is well suited to Transfiguration, proven by its owner, who... MAGIC WANDMinerva McGonagall WandMinerva McGonagall's wand was 9 1/2" long, made of fir, and had a dragon heartstring core.The wand is well suited to Transfiguration, proven by its owner, who...
  • Ginny Weasley's Wand Ginny Weasley's Wand

    OLLIVANDER's Wand Shop Ginny Weasley's Wand   Ginny Weasley's beautiful wand is made of yew wood, manufactured by Ollivander. She has fought in the Second Wizarding War and performed a lot... OLLIVANDER's Wand Shop Ginny Weasley's Wand   Ginny Weasley's beautiful wand is made of yew wood, manufactured by Ollivander. She has fought in the Second Wizarding War and performed a lot...
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